How to add Mods to your Unturned Server Print

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Adding Mods shouldn't be an issue or worry as it's super simple to do. After ordering your Unturned Server, you can add mods by going to the following file path:


Container (File Manager Tab) > Servers > Default > WorkshopDownloadConfig.json


Inside this file will look something like this: 


"File_IDs": [
"Ignore_Children_File_IDs": [],
"Query_Cache_Max_Age_Seconds": 600,
"Max_Query_Retries": 2,
"Use_Cached_Downloads": true,
"Should_Monitor_Updates": true,
"Shutdown_Update_Detected_Timer": 600,
"Shutdown_Update_Detected_Message": "Workshop file update detected, shutdown in: {0}",
"Shutdown_Kick_Message": "Shutdown for Workshop file update."


Inside the section that says "File_IDs":[] you will put your Mod ID's inside there. You can find Mod ID's inside the Steam Workshop's Link. EX:

You can also input a collection ID inside the file for it to load the entire collection, meaning you won't have to manually copy-paste each mod ID into the file, you only have to put in one.

Here's an example of what your WorkshopDownloadConfig.json might look like:


"File_IDs": [


"Ignore_Children_File_IDs": [],
"Query_Cache_Max_Age_Seconds": 600,
"Max_Query_Retries": 2,
"Use_Cached_Downloads": true,
"Should_Monitor_Updates": true,
"Shutdown_Update_Detected_Timer": 600,
"Shutdown_Update_Detected_Message": "Workshop file update detected, shutdown in: {0}",
"Shutdown_Kick_Message": "Shutdown for Workshop file update."


When adding File ID's you need to put a comma after each ID except for the last ID. Afterward, restart your server and your mods will load!

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